
      Canvas Wall Art

      Our wide range of luxury canvases will elevate your space. Whatever you choose, every design is exclusive to us and printed on 100% cotton canvas, finished with a stylish yet contemporary premium wood frame. Browse through our collection of pieces, perfect for mixing or sets of two if matching is your vibe.


      Discover some of our bestselling wall art on canvas. For those looking for something more than our classic prints, an art canvas is the perfect choice. Each piece is finished with a premium wooden frame, chosen to complement a wide range of designs and fit seamlessly into various interiors.

      Whether you want to complement an existing theme running throughout your room or change your decor for the new season, there’s something in this collection for everyone. With The House Outfit, you will find framed canvas wall art pieces that add beauty to your home decor. If you are thinking of enhancing the look of your house, then it is time you invested in Home Canvas’.

      Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about our products.


      The purpose of canvas wall art is to help transform your home surroundings and style, making them elegant and personalised. Our framed canvas wall art options are versatile and can be resized to fit any space in your home. We have a wide selection for anyone who wants to create continuity and warmth within a certain space, from the living room to the bedroom. Different themes and colours are utilised to make home canvas selections. With our extensive collection of canvas wall art, you can find the perfect match for your style and preference and have your homes aesthetically enriched by your sophistication.